How It Works

Just click here Start A Fundraiser Form - Joe Corbi's and complete the form! Now have some pizza slices to ensure a successful Fundriaser!

We’ve got some great tools to help you plan and we can even walk you through them with tested & proven suggestions.
It’s important that Everyone knows WHAT your Goal is and how the money raised will be spent. Just as important… explain how each Seller who participates will benefit!
Your Sellers (and You) can create a Pop-Up shop to share with everyone online PLUS we’ll supply FREE printed materials for in-person sales. Learn more about sharing.
Don’t Worry, we’ll remind you to remind Everyone. We’ll check in with you throughout your event with easy links to reports along with sample posts you can share with everyone. Click to learn more about Reminder Schedule
Of course, you’ll get reminders, instructions, and even a “How To” video
Your order will deliver to you in a few weeks. We’ll send you tips to help you prepare for your Delivery